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Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice ADM Hitech

I.- The personal information collected in this domain, is the responsibility of BI SOFT SA de CV, who hereinafter will be called "ADM Hitech" and is responsible for the processing of your personal data, with address at Rodríguez Saro 543 Col. del Valle, 03200, Mexico City


II.- Your personal data will be used for the following purposes:


Provide the services and products required by you that originate and derive from the contractual and / or commercial relationship of the provision of services, billing and collection, the registration and / or cancellation and / or change of services.


Inform about changes or new products or services that are related to the one contracted or acquired by you.


To comply with obligations to our customers.

Evaluate the quality of the service

Conduct internal research on consumer habits.

Inform you of the launch or changes of new products, services, promotions and / or offers according to your interests.


For the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly, when you visit our website and when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law.


Data we collect directly


We collect your personal data directly when you provide it to us yourself by various means, such as when you participate in our promotions or give us information in order to provide you with a service. The data that we obtain through this means may be, among others:


Identification data: Full name, address, home phone, cell phone

Bank statement

Federal Taxpayer Registry


Personal data that we collect when you visit our website or use our online services:


Full name

Email address

Home phone number

Cellphone number

Company name

Position within the organization



Personal data we collect through other sources: We may obtain information about you from other sources permitted by law such as telephone or work directories. The data that we obtain by these means can be:


Full name

Email address

Home phone number

Cellphone number

Company name

Position within the organization


Turn of your company or profession


III.- The data will be protected with the same security procedures with which ADM Hitech's own data is protected within its computer platforms and will only be used by authorized personnel.


IV.- The holders of the information will have the right to request access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of their data, by means of a written request addressed generically to ADM Hitech with address at Rodríguez Saro 543 Col. del Valle, 03200, México D.F ..


V.- The information that the user enters will not be disclosed under any circumstances, except with the authorization of the person who owns it, with the exception of the provisions of current and applicable National Laws and International Treaties.


VI.- ADM Hitech does not collect or process sensitive personal data.


The following is understood as "sensitive information", according to Article 3 Section VII of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties: Racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and morals, union membership, political opinions and sexual preferences. For the aforementioned, ADM Hitech will not create databases that contain this kind of information. ADM Hitech will not request "sensitive information" under any circumstances from the users of this website, so they must refrain from entering it in the fields that are placed for this purpose, any "sensitive information" that is entered into the website. database, it will be removed by ADM Hitech.


It is the responsibility of the user to contravene this clause and the fact that by this means it reveals “sensitive information” does not generate any kind of obligation for ADM Hitech.


VI.- It is the responsibility of the Owner of the Personal Data to guarantee that the data provided to ADM Hitech will be truthful and complete, and is responsible for communicating to ADM Hitech any modification in them so that the obligation can be fulfilled. to keep the information up to date.

VII.- You or your legal representative may exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, as well as revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email to where you will be served at time and form. You must send a letter with your request requesting the cancellation, rectification and / or cancellation, which you must correctly prove with your current official identity. After receiving the email with the requested information in a period not exceeding ten (10) business days to meet the request, counted from the day after it has been received.


VIII.- The timing of the handling of the Holder's Personal Data will depend on the legal relationship that is held with ADM Hitech, as well as the obligations required by current legislation and the competent authorities. In all cases, the information will be kept only for a reasonable time to comply with legal obligations.


IX.- With this Privacy Notice, the Holders of the information are duly informed of the data that was collected from them and for what purposes, accepting the content terms that were prepared in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of individuals.


X.- ADM Hitech, reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments as well as industry practices.

In such cases, the changes introduced will be announced on this page with reasonable anticipation of their implementation.


XI.- This Privacy Notice, as well as the general handling of personal information made by ADM Hitech, is governed by current and applicable legislation in the United Mexican States, any controversy that is subscribed due to its application must be aired before the competent courts of Mexico City and in accordance with current Mexican legislation.

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